Dpto. Religión. IES Vegas Bajas .ERASMUS + KA 101 / 2015-2017

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

From Catania

Interview with Malala

                                                                                                         Giuliano Licari
                                                                                                         Ettore Centamore
                                                                                                         Marco Indelicato
                                                                                                         Marina Barnat

1) What inspired you to become activist for the education’s and women’s rights when you were 11?
I  became an activist because in Swat’s valley the Talibans had banished  music and television, they prevented women from going out to go shopping and they limited school to young girls.

2) Why do the Talibans hate you?
Because I have written a diary for the BBC under an alias where I reported that girls were banned   from school. I told about the war seen through the children’s eyes, nature destroyed by bombs, the impossibility to go out.

3) Who has supported you in your fight?
My father. He’s a man who has always defended women’s rights. Ever since I was little he has taught me the value of existence. He has taught us the meaning of freedom, that education is progress, that men and women can do the same things and can live in harmony.

4) How can school education change the life of  women?
Nothing would change more the world of an equitable access to education for all young women. Laws and the governments should change for the benefit of women.

5) Have you ever thought about abandoning your cause after the attack?
No, the terrorist must be afraid of me, or of the power of education! We are so many to fight for our rights. With a pen and a book we can defeat them.

6) What did you feel when you received the Nobel Peace Prize?
I felt I had a lot of responsibilities. The prize given to two people campaigning for children’s rights showed the world that this was a vital and inescapable issue.

7) Who is your book “I’m Malala”, devoted to?
It’s dedicated to all the young women that dealt with injustices and  had no voice.

8) What do you dream for your future?
I know I have to study hard to change my country. My dream is to become Prime Minister to help children get their freedom to study.

9) Why do you want to become Prime Minister?
I want every child to go to school. That’s my purpose. Education is the basis for children’s future.
Now I’m focused on my foundation. That’s the right way to sustain  girls like me. I want to be their voice and tell the world: “Listen to this girl of Syria or Pakistan or Nigeria”. I want to be the voice of these young guys and girls on the run.

10) What do you do in your foundation, the Malala fund?
I talk to many world’s leaders and I ask them to invest in culture, but not everyone listens to me. They tell me that it’s hard to build schools. So, I spend my 18th  birthday sitting on the school’s floor that we  built in Lebanon for young Syrians in refugee camps. I wanted  to show that there are no excuses: if just one person is building a school with donation, why are rulers of countries saying it can’t be done?
I wanted to say to the leaders of our planet to invest here or else that of the young Syrians will be a lost generation.

11) Is it true that you have built some schools in Pakistan?
Yes, it’s true. We have also projects in Lebanon, Kenya and Nigeria.

12) How can we fight Taliban fundamentalism?
We have to make the children feel  that they’re not alone and marginalised, that they’re respected independently of skin colour or religion. More needs to be done because there are children who continue to adhere to military groups.
The more people are scared and outcast, the more take refuge in these groups.

13) Thank you very much Malala.
Thank you for listening to me.

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Giuliano Licari
Ettore Centamore
Marco Indelicato
Marina Barnat

lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Trabajando en el Proyecto EROS

Opinamos sobre la diversidad religiosa



lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

Nuestra Actividad en ERASMUS +


Bienvenidos a nuestro Blog

Este es nuestro proyecto: "Diálogo Interreligioso"

Inmersos en el proyecto Erasmus+ k 101, el Departamento de Religión y a través de los alumnos de 4º de la ESO y 1º Bachilleraro, hemos comenzado a llevar a cabo el proyecto titulado "Diálogo Interreligioso. La Religión en Europa" que se realiza conjuntamente con la profesora de religión del Liceo Lingüístico Lombardo Radice, Gabriella Ferrari  de Catania (Sicilia).

4º ESO: ¿qué trabajan?

Los alumnos de 4º ESO estudiarán y desarrollarán en clase el contenido de las religiones en su ubicación muncial es decir, planteando cuestiones tales como por ejemplopor qué existen tantas religiones - no sería suficiente con una - son todas iguales. Su respuesta las iremos subiendo a eTwinning.

1º Bachillerato: ¿qué trabajan?

Los alumnos de 1º Bachillerato A, trabajan el papel de la mujer en las religiones desde época griega hasta la actualidad pasando por ejemplo por la mujer en Grecia, Roma, la Biblia, Judaísmo, Cristianismo, Islám, etc.


viernes, 20 de enero de 2017

Trabajando con Catania

Gabriella Ferrari saluda a nuestros alumnos

Liceo Lingüístico Lombardo Radice

Con Gabriella Ferrari  (primera por la derecha)
Ciao Pablo.
Il tuo italiano é buono,  Io purtroppo non posso fare lo stesso con la lingua spagnola!
Io sto lavorando con due classi di terza liceo linguistico, che studiano spagnolo e mi aiuteranno in classe con la lingua spagnola.  In particolare stiamo trattando il tema del Fondamentalismo e della donna nell' Islam; abbiamo fatto 5 lezioni che ho preparato in inglese e che i miei studenti stanno traducendo in spagnolo!
Abbiamo creato un gruppo su Facebook che si chiama Etwinning: making Europe 2016 dove raccogliere materiale che ci servirá per realizzare  un video.  Ti invieremo una richiesta di amicizia
Buona domenica.


Hola Pablo,
Su italiano es bueno, por desgracia no podemos hacer lo mismo con el idioma español!
Estoy trabajando con dos clases de tercera lengua de la escuela secundaria, el estudio de español y me va a ayudar en el aula con el idioma español. En particular, estamos tratando con el tema del fundamentalismo y la mujer en el "Islam; hicimos 5 lecciones que he preparado en Inglés y que mis estudiantes se están traduciendo en español!
Hemos creado un grupo en Facebook llamado Etwinning: hacer de Europa 2016, donde recoger el material que nos servirá para hacer un video.
Le enviaremos una solicitud de amigos
buen domingo

Bienvenido / Benvenuto / Welcome / Bienvenue

Logo de nuestro proyecto

Logo de nuestro proyecto


Canal vídeos

Mujer y Religión

Mujer y Religión
Las mujeres en la Religión

Caminando hacia Europa

Grupo Trabajo - 4º ESO


Con la tecnología de Blogger.

Dpto. Religión

Dpto. Religión
IES Vegas Bajas